


Anchorage: Dolphins and Swim Lessons Live2D Azur Lane


Protect Anchorage's smile! She is so adorable!


Thanks For Your Support !
Fleet Admiral : Chuco32 - Kadeji - Kai Stasch - Laken Bacon
- Kian Huynh - Benjamin Steber
- Corbin - Raisen Sun.

Admiral : Warmonger1941 - Chuco32 -
First legion - Raeder2236 - KoP152 -
Nathan Shepard - Lost_SkyZ - Saber Six
- Zenith - Notte - David wr1t0r - Hetierremustdedu.

Commander : Angeldeirun - Azreal - CrossFire770 - Vi Nguyen - Job Pedro - KoolKat - Slietch - Shubu - Obsessant - Upside - GrAdm Henri G - oMortalz.

Lieutenant : The German Memeperor - The Storyteller - Fed18
- DragoneyeTM -Kroissant_King - jerome292.


USS Anchorage (アンカレッジ)
Dolphins and Swim Lessons
Seiyū : Rina Hidaka (日高 里菜) Art : LAL!ROLE

00:00 Acquisition
00:23 Anchorage: Dolphins and Swim Lessons
07:09 Live2D Anchorage: Dolphins and Swim Lessons
11:08 FreeMode
11:32 Capture Mode - L2D
16:24 Secret Animation
17:06 OATH

Music : BGM / OST
Stage 00 - Sea Gate (Sonic Heroes)


#AzurLane #アズールレーン #Anchorage #Bismarck #Anime Limited Time Event: Confluence of Nothingness, New Jersey:Midsummer Leisure, Anchorage: Dolphins and Swim Lessons, Regensburg: Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, Taihou: Seaside Daydreams, Bismarck Zwei: Crystal-Clear Holiday, Royal Fortune: Eyes on the Prize, Otto von Alvensleben: Hunter Becomes Hunted, Ticonderoga: Sunshine Princess, Live2D, L2D. Vestal META.


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