

アイドルマスター(アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ)の攻略動画

アイドルマスター スターリットシーズン 20211129212657


どこへも 行きません。(Page 38) これは わたしの 本ですね。(Minna no Nihongo English 1, Series 2, Page 21)
Youtube and associated users were only allowing hololive / Vtubers / Trademarked products to be spammed into the home page and the side-pane with no penalty, so in accordance with the due process of the law, you're only able to play trademarked products just like them.
I've already submitted around another 100 reports here. They were literally stopping me from reading my legally-owned Japanese textbooks at that point. If you don't want someone using something, "don't ship it."
I looked through Youtube's home page, content slandering foreigners from Japan, Japanese learning resources that don't list the 142 Japanese kana before showing Japanese sentences, and simply not mentioning that the Japanese Cabinet in 1981 released a listing of joyo kanji is enough to stop basically all traffic into Japan.
You first have to refund full-price for the Japanese textbooks.

-アイドルマスター(アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ)の攻略動画

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