


【グラブル】【2020エイプリルフール】DARKNESS深い闇ビィ土パ賢者2人 / BLACKHOLE April Fools Earth with 2 Evokers.


サムネ / Thumbnail : https://imgur.com/a/hypUEit

ゼタ&バザラガの代わりにナルメアやダーントでも行けます。闇属性に勝てないんですがはわわ・・・。ブローディアは60%の対策。フレイのディスペルガードは40%の対策。ゴリラ編成を使っても硬いなビィくん・・・・ /
Zeta&Vas can be replaced by Narmaya and Dante and still give the same results. Don't expect to win against dark in this in Earth's current grid state lol. Alexiel summon for 60% trigger and Freyr's dispel cancel for 40% trigger. Even with Gorilla grid Vyrn is still this tanky...

なお土古戦場どこに行ってしまった?w / Now where did Earth favored UnF go?

プロフィールに挨拶してくれた方ありがとうございます! / Hi to those who stamped me. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone! (Check if your profile isn't locked as well)


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