


[Granblue Fantasy] Beelzebub Solo Wind Magna Robin Hood No F5 / [グラブル] ベルゼバブHLソロ 純風マグナロビンフッド リロ無し


Relatively accessible setup for solo trophy. Guide in video description.

I've uploaded one with this frontline before, but it's been a while

This is doable with Siete at 100-120. The team's usually overkilling when cancelling with 10m damage in the first half, so lower ougi/nuke damage shouldn't be a huge issue there. His 130 upgrade for 30% FC gauge on 2 is more relevant in the second half. There was a full Qilin and Siete 4 left by the end of the raid, so popping those at some point should be enough to make up for it. My alt doesn't have Yurius, unfortunately, or I'd have recorded this with Siete 100.

Catura's the biggest luxury upgrade in place of Siete. She's off banner for another year, though, so that's not exactly an option - and anyone who already has her probably didn't need to read this far down anyway.

Grand Monika works in place of Yurius; she delays more frequently and does better ougi damage than him at the cost of not being able to cap debuffs immediately after resets and kind of being a damage magnet if she doesn't dodge enough. Yurius really isn't to be underestimated, though; he can genuinely do serious damage after reaching ten stacks, especially with a doublecast nuke.

There's nothing else in wind for the second backline slot that fits the budget restriction since Young Cat is ineligible for the trophy and most of wind's backline passives work with crests. Run Ewiyar or Vane if you have them, or Estarriola as a last resort. Katzelia's healing is only a mild upgrade over SR Sevastien's passive and his damage passive from Andira 1 isn't going to make or break anything.

The weapon grid is as budget as it gets. More spoons are strictly superior since the extra max HP makes the second half much easier, but it's doable with one. A Bahamut dagger is probably fine in place of a second beak, but the supplemental is really worth the effort for a setup with two multihit nukers.

Qilin is even better here than in most other setups since it's refreshing a bunch of high impact skills. Run more if you have them and/or don't have the other summons, really. Michael summon is whatever; she's not even needed for 50%.

0:00 start
No cute setups for Chaoscaliber here; just cancel it.

I held off on pressing gravity in the first 50% since it wasn't needed at all, but without Siete 130+ it'd probably be easier to do 10m damage or delay every other turn instead of every turn. Debuff accuracy for wind setups is generally very good because of Andira, so it's not compromising the later stages.

Be judicious about having the damage to hit 10m; it usually takes a couple of ougis and a nuke or so to get there. If it doesn't look plausible, then delay. With two of those on short cooldowns and an additional emergency one from Return of the Fox, there shouldn't be problems, but in code red cases, Siete 3 can definitely handle it.

If 10m doesn't look feasible, Tiamat call or Andira 2 + Andira ougi/MC 1 can tank a Unisonic. The ensuing Chaoscaliber requires delaying until OD ends or clearing 30 hits again, though.

8:05 75%
Without Korwa, taking Black Flies isn't really a good idea. The clear condition's still the same 10m, though, so it's not a problem.

13:12 50%
Beelzebub will buff himself upon reaching 50% HP if there's no omen displaying, so delaying him out of one and then nuking through allows for immediate dispelling - mirror image with a summon call, Yurius 3, MC + Andira ougi, and then after guarding the rest there are enough turns to cycle for Yurius 3 to come off cooldown for the last buff. Doing this isn't at all necessary, though, it just saves Michael call here.

The boss hits quite hard after 50%. On occasion, he might get lucky and just decide to terminate a character, especially if at one stack, and there's nothing to be done about it. Two stacks is probably death unless it's viable to guard while building FC safely with MC/Andira dodging or something.

Despite the danger, I think it's probably advisable during 50%-30% to guard/dodge a Just Execution before FC cancelling a Chaoscaliber. The former's survivable, while the latter will kill the run on the spot. There should be enough time to cancel once and then still have another FC built for 30%.

19:20 30%
Once again, with no debuff immunity or duration cuts or anything, a cancel's needed at both 30% and 15%. Siete's meter generation is important stuff in conjunction with Qilin to get that second FC prepared in time. As long as those are covered, though, this phase isn't bad at all; the team has enough delays to not get trapped into dealing with three stacks after 10%.

Going into the two mandatory cancel spots with Trance stacks gets rid of them for free. It's useful at 75%, too, but it's much more applicable here. The ougi leading into 15% here was free to take, for example.

wind ship 8%/wind reactor 10%, Siete 150 (again, not mandatory)


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