


[Granblue Fantasy] Beelzebub Solo Fire Magna No MC No Refresh / [グラブル] バブHLソロ 純火マグナ 主人公無し リロ無し


This was hard, but at least I didn't need to run something mega janky like Colossus.

Not having MC disables fire's best solo character from working properly, but Nemone wouldn't make sense here anyway; unlike Lucilius, staying alive doesn't work without enough damage, so it's better to just suck it up on the sustain front.

The autonukers don't function here for a second reason - they don't run dispels, and the Lucilius solo setups where MC doesn't have a bunch of dispels of her own are heavily dependent on Beelzebub call to keep up with stacks until after the wings are dead and even during Gopherwood. With a hard requirement of 4-5 dispels needed at 50% here and no summons to offload any of that, there's not a whole lot of wiggle room.

Fraux with domain is essential here for obvious reasons; she covers both healing and dispel, but by herself she's not enough of either, even with some additional mitigation from her fear proccing.

Michael was an essential missing piece. She can't accumulate enough stacks to dispel the whole thing on her own like Satyr, but she does enough in conjunction with Fraux to settle it. Her buffs on ougi also help to keep the offense moving, since ougis are necessary to doing damage.

With dispel sorted, there's room to run Percival. Outside of something silly like Luffy, he's the best damage option here by far, and with Michael's ignition he ramps extremely quickly to function as a viable debuffer. Once his autonuke starts firing, that's an additional 2m+ damage per turn on top of whatever Wide Open is contributing. Having two panic buttons on top of that is gravy.

Sylph's a squishy liability who does no damage, but being able to slot her is still a ton of sustain. Having a delay on ougi as a backup option is great, too, even if she can't afford to attack much so she's short on meter.

Since Fraux needs to swap in the hard way, this mandates Mugen as an on-element sacrifice character. It'd have been nice to play for a highroll with Shalem's debuff and have her die on turn 1, then use Percival 3 to cancel turn 2, but that's not reliable enough. One character can't get Mugen's buff since MC will always be first in queue to swap in from the backline so her swap needs to come after Mugen sub; Sylph is the least consequential choice for that. Even with her low damage, though, Percival's best off in slot 1; having Wide Open for Sylph's swing helps.

The grid is a bunch of HP with a bit of ougi support and one grouping to enable Lord of Flames for the extra 50% defense. This definitely wasn't the time and place for Crimson Scales.

Percival's damage is really what makes this setup work. Coming close to hard capping without def down lets him pretty much immediately start cancelling - his ougi with any other ougi or a nuke is enough to do 10m damage immediately, as with the reactivation solo cancel at the start. After three ougis between Michael 1 and Sylph 2, that's enough singed stacks for his autonuke on auto to start proccing, which is enough juice to cancel on turns where Michael doesn't have a delay. The team takes a fair amount of damage, even in the first half, but it's low enough that Sylph can ougi sometimes to help shore things up a bit.

The 50% setup needs Michael's autonuke to pop during Langelaan for the right timing. Pushing into 50% with a nuke (in this case, Percival 3) allows for blowing enough ougis into the mirror image to get Michael enough stacks for chain burst to dispel the mirror image and then Michael's autocast to dispel
the damage cut. The remaining three buffs are low enough for Fraux 1 and manual cast of Michael 3 to clean up. Had it not lined up as well, it'd still have been practical with Michael 1 + Sylph 2 to build three Michael stacks during Langelaan for an additional dispel at the cost of the big damage cooldown and some repel damage.

The rest of the raid after dealing with the buffs isn't trivial. 15 million damage per turn is a lot for this setup to come up with, and on turns where Michael's delay doesn't land, things get ugly. There does exist the possibility to reset after eating a Just Execution, at least; Percival 2 and 3 can both handle OD ougis. Nonetheless, the gameplan is a passive one; without the balls to swing with Sylph into full beads proactively, everything kind of hinges on whether or not Michael hits her delay. 15m being hard means 20m is impractical; it was easier to guard those and cancel 15m later. 30%/15% aren't problems with Fraux 1 and Percival 1 each dropping a bunch of debuffs, which helped.

Nighthound MC's ML30 passive was actually very important. The damage margins on successful cancels were very tight on a lot of turns; MC having 1.8m of nuke damage on a 2-chain represented a lot. Doing it the proper way with no MC at all would have been hard, maybe not impossible, butimpractical.

fire ship 8%/fire reactor 10%
0:00 100%
6:22 75%
11:29 50%
18:06 30%


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