


[Granblue Fantasy] Lucilius Hard Solo Water "Magna" Glory No Refresh / [グラブル] ルシHLソロ 純水マグナグローリー リロ無し


It's great to not have to find filler to meet Glorybringer's grid condition anymore.

Testing survival here without mirror image went well enough. It's not flawless, though; ougis still do quite a bit of damage especially at the start of trials, when plain trial can't be cleared and the push into wings 50% left Shalem without enough meter to debuff. Still, on the whole, being short on dispels for the body until body phase wasn't at all bad; two Lucifers of healing was adequate.

Colmillos not having a cooldown on toggle goes well with Fateless's defend effect of damage reduction. It's not the biggest deal since Glorious Vow means that the two blade proficiency characters are pretty sturdy compared to the remaining two slots, though.

It'll continue being a recurring problem that Poseidon's going to be hard to get rid of. I did find that on attack spec, he just barely has less HP than Shalem on defense spec, but there aren't setups to ensure that he'll be targeted by Phosphorous. Saving a green pot and hoping it works out was good enough here, but it's not the most reliable of plans. Technically, swapping him out isn't necessary since building a decent chain for the 10% entry turn with Shalem 3 on and then a full chain the turn after with Poseidon 2 kills clean; it just feels awkward to not have a margin of error in case improvisation with Haase 2 is needed.

MC's autoattack damage was pretty sick. Everyone else, not so much.

I did manage to throw by wasing one charge of Haase 2 at the end. It wouldn't have mattered, but I do feel like I do that a lot.

water ship 10%/water reactor 10%
0:00 100%
5:23 wings 50%
10:03 wings 0%
17:59 body 25%


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