


【グラブル】スパバハ ソロ 闇 ランバージャック ウルリクムミ / [GBF] Super Ultimate Bahamut Solo Dark Lumberjack with Ullikummi


Thank you Cygames for the free Ullikummi, and thank you Silvie for the host. This is overall a very safe setup. I don't think I had to play nearly as safe as I did on 50-10 but I wanted the clear more than the time.

The main choke points of the run are the start and the entrance into the 50% phase. At the start you have to hold debuffs and echos for 10 debuffs and 60 hits. Bad RNG can lead to the run dying on turn 6/12 if your debuffs don't land. Ougi and Skill damage are purposely ignored as no white cut is used and we actively want the boss to be hitting Dark damage so the draconic can reduce it.

Entering into 50% you have to hold the ougi reactivation on MC, the triple zero omniclear, and the bubs plain for the respective omens. The ideal play here is to exit the cocoon on a turn 1 before a multiple of 6 (eg 35, 41, etc) so you can immediately release one of those, but I miscounted a bit here.

Some gaffes in refreshes as well lost me time like refreshing Kou 4 instead of Bahamut, and the like. The host was up for a bit before I joined so the ingame time is incorrect. This setup can probably go a lot faster with better ougi control and less sandbagging on 50-10 of course.

The team is based on somedy's RTA build but with a much less insane grid and some adjustments for new stuff that has come out since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY-FDHBnGcs

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEOCbFJjRw0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVVfMFS3mgc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFqdK7E5uQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=889GX4-uFAI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnpUv1Vj5MA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EEo-iE5u_A
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFJPFfnzZ7w

Yes I changed my IGN to LOOΠΔ. Yes, every song in the video is from them, and yes it was in shuffle. No, I'm not sorry.


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