


Granblue Fantasy グラブル - Windhose ヴィントホーゼ feat Glorybringer ザ・グローリー vs Yggdrassil Omega Impossible


As you may know, Windhose is also a great glorybringer MH sporting a DA/TA buff on activation (doesn't stack with Nio's DA though), 24% echo on attack, C.A. Instant Standby on resonance and a nice dodge+counter (for 1 attack) when defending.
Taking Qinglong Spear was a bad idea in this case because Yggdrassil Omega Impossible has way higher DEF coefficient compared to GW bosses (or any normal boss like Medusa) which made reaching the increased cap (+10% from Raphael, +7% from qinglong, +10% from Andira) very difficult. I couldn't even bring rage because I needed defense breach to cap def down.
All in all, the weapon makes Glory pretty fun to play by giving it an easy way to trigger the ougi when needed to create a chain. Please note that I've seen you can end up without energy if the defend trigger too often so you may have to bring Colmillos to prevent that.


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