

トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

[OPTC] Blackbeard Training Forest - Akainu team! トレクル!特訓の森「闇」!赤犬パ!


*** Akainu beating all the other forests : https://youtu.be/jMWc1PCz_gA
*** Sorry about the sound issues 🙁 iOS 11 beta screen recorder randomly cuts sound in the middle of recording, so I had to record piece by piece. I hope it gets fixed soon.
*** It's soooooooo hard to get food orbs because of Akainu's captain ability, even though I made a team with lvl 0 orb 🙁 This might have been easier if I used INT Ivankov instead of G4 Luffy (in that case you don't need max lvl poison socket), but my goal was to OTK BB 🙂 Also stalling 20 turns in Stage 19 is a big challenge.
*** Reset (task-kill) is necessary for Smoker's orb shuffle in Stage 17 to take hits from Sengoku. I got lucky in Stage 17, but even if I couldn't take the last hit from Sengoku it would've been okay because Marco's special would've been ready before taking a hit from Burgess.

-トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

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