

トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

トレクル ハンコック Boa 60 stamina, F2P team Mihawk Tean


Note this is f2p since the you can always use frd Mihawk 6*. Also this is heavily dependent on RNG unless you have Heal 4, as you need the penguin in stage 4 to be 2-3 CD. The use of Croc is to Shuffle orb until Mihawk and Croc each have one Intel Orb.

Coffin Boat:

Mihawk 89
Frd Mihawk 99 CD 17
Doffy Lvl 99 CD 14
GP Lvl 50 CD 10
Mr. 1 Lvl 70 CD 11
Croc Lvl 98 CD 18

Orb 3, Heal 1, Chain 2, Silence 2.

GP needs to be Max. All other CD should be 1 less than Mihawk (24).

-トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

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