


Csaw Finally Watches The Sage Trailer | FFXIV Endwalker


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Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASTGVJLBX14

Our Final Fantasy 14 journey continues! Today I am finally watching some of the new trailers that came out with Endwalker!

Welcome back to Tiny Blue Games! My name is Csaw or Chris, and today we are talking about the FFXIV Endwalker Sage trailer. I know this trailer has been out for a while now but during the stream, I was convinced to finally check it out as it doesn't have any spoilers in it. In this video, we will watch the trailer, discuss the content and finally have a discussion about healers in MMORPGs in general.

As a relatively new ffxiv player, I have enjoyed giving my first impressions of the many different pieces of content this game has to offer. If you are interested in exploring the game yourself I suggest you check out the Final Fantasy 14 free trial. This trial lets play all the way to level 60 (including both the base ARR and Heavensward expansion), with no time restrictions. It was ultimately the free trial that convinced me to dive into the full game and the new Shadowbringers expansion!

👀 Do you enjoy DPSing as a Healer?

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🎧 Music:

Outro: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_MacLeod/Jazz_Sampler/AcidJazz_1430
Background Music: Flecks_of_light

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