


Some Chilled Final Fantasy XIV Gameplay


Welcome Everyone To My Official YouTube Gaming Channel, I am Paranoia Origins and I make Professional Graphic Designs and Produce Video Gaming Content on Youtube which are both a CAREERS and a PASSIONS I love doing. I also frequently Live Stream on YouTube/Twitch and wish to include all of my supporters and fans in those livestreams. So Thank You All for taking the time to check me out on here and if you wish to help me and my friends achieve greater levels of success in the future then you support would be greatly appreciated.

Everyone To My Official Patreon Page, along with such as Fiverr, Discord and other Stuff I'm working on Very Hard, so please be bear with me. When my discord for example is ready I will post about it so don't worry your little heads about it ok?! 😛 Kool-beans!

Paranoia Origins - Your "Paranoid Gamer of YouTube" - FMV Magazine

Come chillout with me on my live stream from my ps4! #finalfantasyxiv #mmorpg #tanks #healers #dps #fun


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