


Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (BLIND) - Episode 195


ORIGINAL RECORD DATE: June 18th, 2019.

Final Fantasy XIV returns to the channel, but because it has been a long time, some things have changed, and I will be editing the description ever so slightly over time. To keep some sort of consistency I will be keeping the original description below. But things like the links, etc. will be redone. With more to come and change over the course of this LP's future.

I apologize for being away from the game for nearly one full year. Things just happened that way. Don't worry, I didn't play off-screen or anything like that. This time around I won't always be alone however, and may (or may not/depending on the time I am playing) be with a few others like Kasaii (Fire), Koakaze (Hikari), and Guiltna (Gonad). Hikari & Gonad have never been in any of my past videos, but Kasaii has been in a load of 'em, so you may recognize his voice, and clacky keyboard, my viewer's favorite. FranticFinn may also make some appearances.

OLD DESCRIPTION FROM MAY 2017 (Some had to be cut away due to length constraints)

This Let's Play is going to be more of a...err..."Willy Nilly" LP. For example, an LP on any non-MMO Final Fantasy game would have a distinct beginning and end of the Let's Play. This Let's Play...will not. Since it's an MMO, and there's multiple expansions, and new content being added regularly, it technically cannot end the same way. So there most likely won't be a simple "Finale" slapped onto any of the videos. I DO plan to record every minute of gameplay though. No matter what I am doing. If it's grindy tasks like mining or something, it'll be on video. If I am just walking/running around from various locations to the next, it'll be on video. However, since it is a commentated Let's Play, I will try to break up the silence with my BRILLIANT commentary.

Since there's no end to the Let's Play planned, what exactly do I plan to do? Well, whatever I can. Depending on how much I like the game (Which will be determined on progress and total playtime by the end of May 2017 [Month of purchase]). This game seems to have a lot to offer, and seeing that I am rather new to the genre, there's a lot to learn and experience. That's why I believe, there'll be well over 100 episodes in this Let's Play for sure. Because the Let's Play will continue in the Willy Nilly style, will I ever remove the "Blind" from the title section at some point? Not sure.

I will NOT be rushing my experience. In-fact, I am actually trying to immerse myself as much as possible. Yes, I actually read the quest text, dialogue, etc. And I don't really plan to fast travel that often. Unless I am running low on time, or absolutely have to. It's possible that I may even stretch to 100% the various logs and achievement challenges available in the game. We shall see.

This is a BLIND Let's Play. Which means, I am dipping my toes into for the first time, have either little or no experience with the game at all, and am sharing my live reactions and gameplay with my YouTube channel. In short, it usually means that I've never played the game before.

***This MMO does require a monthly subscription to play. Of at least $12 a month.***

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gh8axFx

Link To Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (BLIND) YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLckQAgHLvx_H3Q3MK4yhpT4pUIIdRTe7L

Want To Purchase This Game? You Can Find It On The Square Enix Website, Or Here On Steam!: http://store.steampowered.com/app/39210/FINAL_FANTASY_XIV_Online/

Link To Kasaii's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TangleStar100

Link To Guiltna's YouTube Channel:

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tigerfrost_34?lang=en

Recording Software: Bandicam
Communication Software: Discord
Platform: PC/Steam
Headset: Logitech G430's Gaming
Microphone: Logitech G430 Built-in Mic
Control Setup: Keyboard & Mouse

--==PC Specs==--
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-Z97MX Gaming 5 Rev 1.0 Microboard
CPU: Intel i5 4690K 3.5GHz
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti FTW2 8GB GDDR5
RAM: 16GB of Ballistix Gaming Random Access Memory (4 Sticks)
HDD: Seagate BarraCuda ST3000DM008 3TB
PSU: Corsair RMx Series RM750X 750W 80 PLUS GOLD
Monitor: Samsung S24C350L
Keyboard: HP Office Keyboard
Mouse: Logitech M100 Wired

Thanks for watching!


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