


Final Fantasy XIV: Sigmascape The Anomaly


This is the start of the Sigmascape which introduces Final Fantasy VI's best bosses mainly which this has been added in to FF XIV so you basically get to fight 4 possibly of your favorite bosses in that game and 2 of them are my favorites I kind of express them in my other playthrough which I will put the link down below for you to check out so anyways here is the Start of the Sigmascape.

[Playlist] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5v2NlDIpPxrrKQL1JyMIYzulyTE75Qv
[FF VI Playlist] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5v2NlDIpPxDAU_4TJQXJHhdYpfcz3s0
[YouTube Channel] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2vVe7VWx-xSc-yXgQl5Jg


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