


7/12/18: Continuing the Climb! -- Support Gameplay; In-Depth Explanations -- League of Legends


Welcome friends! Most streams now start around 9:30 PM EST Monday-Friday. Come join our wonderful community. You may find game start-times after the stream.

8.13 Support Tier List:

Channel Membership:

Donation Rewards:
$5 Donation = ~5 minutes of OP.GG review during stream
$10 Donation = I will play any champ you want during stream (normal game; limit 2 per stream)
$10 Donation = I will sing the song of your choice (I'm terrible at singing; some restrictions)
$20 Donation = Coaching Session (replay review off-stream)
$25 Donation = Coaching Session (replay review during stream)
$30 Donation = In-Depth Guide for a champion or topic of your choice

You may donate here if you want to help support the channel:

Just describe the reward you would like in the text-box of your donation.
Email: thestrategyprofessor@gmail.com

Channel Etiquette:

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheStratProf


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