


(電玩散步33) 女神轉生 奇妙的旅程(3) ...迷之女劍士 劇情殺... (真・女神転生 STRANGE JOURNEY)


55:26 迷之女劍士 劇情殺

この番組はゲームをしながら、足踏みしていることは ダイエットできますか? こういう馬鹿の実験が始まるよ・ (這個節目是邊玩電動 邊原地踏步 能夠減肥嗎? 這個笨蛋實驗開始了 )
(07:04 Crystal Liu (This video is about can one lose weight by walking in place while playing games? A foolish game has begun.) Wellcome to the fantasy land of a forty something’s nerds.

我40多歲 有很多嚴重的慢性病. 沒錢去健身房. 但是為了活下去. 只好邊騎車 邊原地踏步 邊玩電玩遊戲.
希望每天這樣運動 來瘦到 標準體重 減輕慢性病.
也希望 每天玩小時候 愛玩的遊戲 來減輕 憂鬱症等心理疾病.

I am in my 40s and have many serious chronic diseases. I have no money to go to the gym. But in order to survive, I have no choice but to ride a bike, walk in place, and play video games.
I hope to exercise like this every day to lose weight to a standard weight and reduce chronic diseases.
I also hope that playing the games I loved playing as a child every day can alleviate depression and other mental illnesses.


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