


白猫プロジェクト BGM ~ ハッピーニューヒノデ 2023 BGM 6 [EXTENDED]


ハッピーニューヒノデ 2023 BGM 6 extended to 20 minutes+

PV is out , we know the character now., So I will take down the spoiler thumbnail with the new year picture.

Last BGM extend for this New Year 2023 event, the event will begin in 2 days from this post.
There is some BGM left, you can listen it on the shop later.

See you again and Happy New Year!

Honestly still surprised they released in game data very early, maybe because 31 is Saturday *_* but this time all the song was nice, can't wait to play the event later (・o・''' )

白猫プロジェクト Extended BGM

【2014-Present】(main Playlist) EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2023】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2022】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2021】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2020】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2019】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2014-2018】EXTENDED - 白猫プロジェクト BGM:


Other Extended BGM (Games/Music/Anime) check my playlist 🙂


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