


【艦これボーカル】 帝國交響楽団 - 陽はまた昇る 【Subbed】


mfw I'm not original enough to make a proper intro and have to spend years on making it lel
Anyways enjoy!! I'll probably sub a few more songs from this album.

"The Sun Also Rises"

「艦隊これくしょん~艦これ~, Yamato's Image Song」

Vocals:片霧烈火 (Rekka Katakiri)
Lyrics & Arrangement:きりは
Circle:帝國交響楽団 (Empire Ensemble) | http://empire-ensemble.net/sunrize/
Album:陽はまた昇る | Comiket 85

Illustration:Gunp | http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40043762
ヤクスケ | http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49050184

Translation:Pink Ryuuhou | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhkQfzue8jA

I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!


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