


How a Swole Low-Tier Hero Bench Pressed the Gods of Tekken


To be the best, you need a lot more than just raw skill. You need maturity, discipline, and a laser focus on what's in front of you. But when you pour every waking thought into the game you play, you run the risk of losing your… people skills.

To be fair, these people are professionals, they’re there to play games, not to be comedians. Still… as a fan of these players you can't help but wish they gave us just a little bit more sometimes.

And if you want more from your esports stars, look no further than Jeondding a beloved South Korean Tekken 7 pro who's been a top player for years despite his affinity for low tier-picks and class clown goofballery.

But did his antics make it harder for Jeondding to find consistency? How did he find the perfect balance between focus and fun? And did getting absolutely shredded have anything to do with it?

Written by: Devin Coull (@fakedevincoull)
Edited by: Sam Gore (@famgore)
Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Produced by: Jason Durante (@Jayjay_Durante) and Danielle Rosen (@daniel_rosen)
Thumbnail by: Emmanuel Adarkwah

Footage courtesy of: https://pastebin.com/SKJYV83x

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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