


Bukiye Rasa Katha Today [428] - 2021.03.26 [ii] - FB funny memes / Ada Bukiya Sinhala/Cricket update


Analytical - Analyzing the data posted in FB whether the post directly influences the people in the society.

Vocal ; Nalaka HG recorded @AYUBO Too - ආයුබෝවේවා Studio

Explaining - Share knowledge on society by entertaining using memes.

Result - Learn how to behave in the society with current situation

You are able to raise any question after watching and a reply would be sent individually.

All memes were extracted from Social Media.

Best Funny Memes & FB post with latest cricket update today

Please do not hesitate to contact Us through hettigodagenalaka@gmail.com for any clarification.

#AYUBOToo / #AYUBOTooආයුබෝවේවා

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