




Plato the ancient philosopher was a man and for who did have a life of problems . These setback complications did last and for most of his life . He could not seem to get anywhere and like he wanted to do but he did gain some good results for himself . He was a man and who did not wish for any kind of trouble and he tried to keep everything nice and rosy . This positive approach to life did gain him much better results of progress . He was a very optimistic person and for did not want to give up . He advanced with hope . Good inner order and positive spirit light . Plato's spirit correct approach helped him to make a bit of money for himself and increased his career ambitions much better so . Destiny helped Plato out and simply because , he went about it in the right kind of way . It was only until later and that Plato did manage and to achieve real good results . He worked hard . No matter and for how negative the incoming situations were to be , Plato tried to remain positive . He would not allow himself and to be pulled into something he did not want to be dragged into . He resolved matters positively and the best he could . Where he lived was a very testing place for him emotionally . He did need and to hold his emotions under self secure control . He preferred the love way . Plato wanted to succeed and he directed his feelings to achieve ambitions . This did help him and to gain new success results . For Plato it was a case of sometimes getting it wrong and trying again . His life was very much so and about bouncing back , to get it right next time . Plato wanted to be a winner and to master all situations in his way . He did need and to create the chances for to achieve good progress results . He had to work hard . Plato was very intelligent and he used his brain to get him somewhere better . However he did suffer and this may have been at the time , he was sold for slavery . Life then was truly difficult for Plato . Yet another philosopher bought his freedom and then Plato was set free . He could sometimes but his foot in it and caused himself some unwanted problems . Plato's spirit test was very much so and all about spirit self realization . For becoming inner truly aware . To advance correctly so . Correct spirit working within . Because of his setbacks , the ancient philosopher would need and to withdraw and rebuild again . To bounce back again . He liked to travel and did so when he could . His travel experience helped Plato and to become more so inner focused and tuned . It helped him to gain greater emotional clarity . Gave to him greater spirit clear focus . Plato was sent to Earth and to self learn for new awareness . There were some things he did need and to spirit learn and realize . His life on Earth was for to learn the spirit education . To improve Plato within . Hopefully he did achieve the learning results and required but he had to experience some terrible suffering to understand . He appears to have been a very good spirit and of some fine ability . Yet he did make pointless mistakes and it cost him . Upsetting the wrong kind of people . Did he get it life right this time ? Let's hope so . Otherwise he may have had to return again and for to take on the very same challenge . Only further information can tell us . I am not too sure and if Plato did succeed his spirit test . It is possible he did not . Maybe he had to come back again and to try and learn , the lessons that he needed to . It is looking this way . Nearly there though and a good soul he was .


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