


Gundam Battle Operations #428: 100k Damage again w/ Zudah F Lv 1 (400 Cost)


mmm... it seems like I am getting better with the Zudah F.
This is my 2nd match in a week where I manage to do over 100k damage with this suit.
I know most people would be tempted to stay back and snipe with Zudah's sniper rifle but the idea of this suit is to actually followup with a melee swing after hitting enemy with sniper rifle.
I did at least 5 or 6 of the sniper rifle, melee x 2 combo this match that I think it illustrates how strong this suit can potentially be.
Only caveat is that you do need to practice the aim with the sniper rifle more in order to maximize this suit.
Anyway, enjoy ^^


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