


GH-428-Luke's Intervention [P3]


Luke's Intervetion Part 3 of 3 | Lucky makes an impassioned plea to have his father back to help him through his grief over the loss of Jake. Luke is in tears as well and reaffirms his sobriety and his guilt over killing Jake. The doc asks Luke if he is willing to go with his kids to Shaddy brook and check himself into rehab. Luke declines. The consequence of this decision is he loses his family. No contact wil any of his kids, no penthouse suite at the Metro Court, no BFF - Sonny to help out, and no wife for comfort. Luke demands to be released. Lucky tells Luke he has missed the point of the entire intervention - but Luke tells him that is the point, there is none. The accident that killed Jake was pointless, random, and it happened.


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