


No.428 最常用5000个英語單詞(美音+英音)音標、釋義、配圖、聽力練耳 | must-know English words #单词卡 #flashcard #英文詞彙 #背单词


#flashcard #单词卡 #英语学习 英文單詞浩如煙海,牛津詞典收錄的目前仍在使用的英文單詞將近20萬個,但對於英文學習者,特別是初學者來說,牛津5000單詞(Oxford 5000)是語言學家根據詞頻統計得出的最基礎、最重要、最有用的英文詞彙清單。熟練掌握這些詞彙的用法,就能應付英語世界的日常生活和工作交流。


Oxford 3000 and 5000 are the most useful words for English learners to expand their vocabulary.

The Oxford 3000 is a list of the 3,000 core words that every learner of English needs to know. The words have been chosen based on their frequency in the Oxford English Corpus and their relevance to learners of English.

The Oxford 5000 is an expanded core word list for advanced learners of English. As well as the Oxford 3000 core word list, it includes an additional 2,000 words.

#英语学习 #英文单词 #牛津3000单词 #英語學習 #牛津5000詞彙 #牛津3000詞彙 #聽力 #發音 #英文單詞 #背單詞,#音標學習 #英音 #美音 #牛津5000单词 #听力 #发音 #背单词 #音标 #口语 #英语启蒙 #Oxford 5000 #Oxford 3000 #Learn English #English Vocabulary #pronunciation symbols #alphabet phonetics #must-know_English_words


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