


Civilization 6 Mvemba Kongo (Turn 422 - 428) - Poundmaker Gone


-- Content of this Clip --
0:00 - World Congress
2:13 - Pihtokahanapiwiyin
3:40 - Giant Death Robots
5:47 - GDR Mistawasis Capture
9:02 - Nuclear Meltdown
10:47 - Cree Gone
12:50 - Great Works Organization
17:32 - Panama Canal

I'm playing this level of Prince until turns get to 500. On this play, Poundmaker got wiped out. Giant Death Robots are making the battle easier.

** Level of Difficulty: Prince

** Copyright Disclaimer: Any videos or short clips automatically triggered during game play is intended to display how the game play flows and were played by me, no intention of copyright infringement.


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