


Moving Images Relating to Military Activities, September 17th, 1956, 428 npc 6983


Shot List
1) LS AtoG Japanese ship fired upon by U.S. aircraft (SV); tracers heading down towards ship.2) LS AtoG U.S. aircraft strafing ground positions. (SV)3) MLS AtoG Aircraft strafing Japanese held airfield; Japanese planes burning on ground after being strafed.4) LS AtoG Aircraft strafing buildings along water"s edge.5) LS AtoA Japanese aircraft fired on by U.S. fighter plane; Japanese plane catches fire and continues to be airborne, altho the strbd engine is afire and smoking.6) MS AtoA Japanese "Betty" burning.7) LS AtoA Plane passing over a DD.8) LS AtoG U.S. fighter strafing Japanese shipping in Manila Bay.9) LS AtoG Same; small pier jutting out from land; Japanese tramp steamer and small craft below.10) LS AtoG U.S. aircraft strafing airfields and countryside in Manila; several bomb craters in ground. (SV)11) LS AtoG U.S. aircraft strafing buildings along a river in Manila (SV). G12) LS AtoG U.S. aircraft strafing buildings at an airfield held by the Japs.13) LS AtoG Aircraft strafing building in woods near an airfield.14) LS AtoG Aircraft in flight.15) LS AtoA Three TBM"s in flight.16) LS AtoG Planes firing on a small Japanese ship.17) LS AtoG Aircraft firing on ship near beach; impact s off an explosion on ship as plane passes over.18) CV AtoA U.S. plane firing on Japanese Zero, which catches on fire.19) LS AtoG Japanese freighter burning, while U.S. aircraft continues to fire on it. (SV)20) LS AtoG U.S. aircraft firing on Japanese aircraft in a ln in Manila. (SV)21) MLS AtoG Aircraft dives on burning Japanese ship and continues to send rockets and machine gun shells into ship.22) LS AtoG Aircraft firing machine guns and rockets into a building.QUALITY: GOOD TO FAIR
This item was produced or created on September 17, 1956.
The creator compiled or maintained the parent series, Moving Images Relating to Military Activities, between ca. 1947–1980.
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