


The Battle of Neomuna 1/3 (Dec 2588) (Destiny 2 #428) Destiny 2 A New Light part 302


Dec 4, 2588:

It finally happened the Darkness & the Traveler meet once for eons and we tried to hold them back by throwing everything we can at the Darkness Fleet & The Witness but we were no match for their unimaginable power & cut us down like flies even in slices & the Witness captured the Traveler with ease & is planning to cut into the big white ball itself, however one of our "friends" now turn traitor Calus is a member of the disciple of the Witness & upgraded his army of cabal as well

Mission 1 - we sneak into one of Calus ship along with Osiris as we were being hyperspace away into Neptune, fought our way inside of two of calus Fleet ships including a odd encounter with a creature from the disciple of the Witness and eventually escape in a cabal escape pod that crash landing us in Neptune most futuristic advance city call Neomuna where Calus is landing most of his troops there to get something call the Veil (rumors to be troops of the Darkness or something) n have it link it to the Traveler & the Witness for his ultimate plan, then mysterious warriors call Cloud Striders (cybernetic authentic cybernetic human weapon hybrid with a limited lifespan) properly introduced us as soon the situation was clear eventually & a mysterious Darkness power call Strand was spotted but was very difficult to use since it powers was unlike anything we can handle atm & this advance civilization isn't seen because EVERYONE is a weapon quire literally & are in the city's cloud storage (no I'm not making things up here tho I wish I was :l )

Mission 2 - we get use to our new area Neomuna while fighting back Calus Shadow Legion everywhere I go, but by the time I mange to reach the building where the Veil was stored, it was too late as Calus beaten us to it by now, then my ghost acted weird in front of me & calus himself talk to us on screen talking to our ghost being voice by the Witness himself about their plans here, then when my ghost was returned to himself, I immediately reported back to Osiris n Nimbus about what just happened. The Battle of Neomuna, one of the first battle arenas of us guardians stopping the Second Collapse begins...



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