


TV at Bedtime? - Q2 QA21 - Ep 428


2. TV at bedtime

Ashley says:
Hi Robb and Nicki!
I have a question about watching TV at bedtime. Now I've heard and read over and over how this is a terrible thing - the light penetrates the pineal gland, suppresses melatonin production and prevents you from falling asleep, etc. I'm just wondering if this is one of those hard and fast rules. So many things are generally good, but you have to make sure they work for you individually. I've gotten into a bad habit of watching TV when I go to bed. But I watch it to put me to sleep. When I don't have it on, the silence is deafening so to speak. My brain won't shut off. But as soon as I turn on Frasier I'm out in less than 5 minutes, almost like it shuts off my brain. Am I just fooling myself? Is my brain really not shutting off and doing what it needs to do because of the light? I don't feel like I sleep terribly but I also don't wake up refreshed most of the time. But I also have thyroid and other hormonal issues and I think those can affect sleep as well. Anyway, I'd love to get your opinion on this. I've had a really hard time breaking this habit.

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