


Stubborn Bodyfat at 47 & Up! - Q5 QA21 - Ep 428


5. 47 and up!

JP says:
Hello Robb.

Should I be modifying programming or diet because I'm over 45?

Now for some context:

I'm trying to dial in all of the factors that are important for longevity (health span). To be more precise I want to:
- Retain or put on as much lean mass as possible (difficult)
- Get below 15% bodyfat and stay there (difficult)
- Maintain or increase mobility (doable)
- Get good sleep (I'm good on this one)
- Community (just joined a CrossFit gym)

I'm 47 and what you would call "skinny fat". It seems impossible to get my body fat below 22%. I've been doing Paleo for about 6 years (about 70/30), tried keto (although I think I went overboard on the fat), and last year did 6 weeks of PSMF (that was very tough). Only thing that got me below 20% was the PSMF but its not sustainable and over the holidays gained all the weight back.

I try to stay abreast of the science and avidly consume your work along with Peter Attia, Chris Masterjohn, Chris Kresser, etc. I am also known to browse through PubMed on my leisure time. All that to say that I'm eager to learn and I am as informed as my capabilities allow on these topics.

I have been lifting 2 - 3 times a week throughout and try to limit my cardio to short intense stints. I had been trying to do the "minimum viable dose" thing but results are not anything to write home about plus its kind of lonely 🙂

Recently I have seen several folks online talk about how if you're over 40 you need to "do things differently". Invariably there is a pitch for an eBook or a class at the end of the story.

Point is:
I get good sleep
I do strength training 2 - 3 times a week
I'm eating "mostly" paleo
But I just can't get consistently below the damn 20% body fat mark!

Should I be doing something different because I'm approaching 50?




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