

Dota 2の攻略動画

DOTA 1 MID HERO IS BACK! Desolator 2 + Swift Blink Tauren DELETE Brood Mid Carry All Team WTF Dota 2


DOTA 1 MID HERO IS BACK! Desolator 2 + Swift Blink Tauren DELETE Brood Mid Carry All Team WTF Dota 2

The Elder Titan is a melee strength hero who is renowned as a powerful area nuker and disabler.

All Epic Meta Pro Gameplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIF1nsYVfS8&list=PUKCC6yRZor2qsGbO_x7LpuA
Miracle- Gameplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA-XVwzwxAk&list=PLFIeRaJDXgRxcnA96krpSnkBX5G6sqHSo
SumiYa Invoker Gameplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68LA_y4VMCQ&list=PLFIeRaJDXgRzy5_AlhihDHdWKlr8zojiP

Subscribe Dota 2 Meta: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCC6yRZor2qsGbO_x7LpuA?sub_confirmation=1

Dota 2 Meta Uploading Only Pro Dota 2 Gameplay Highlights, New Epic Meta Builds.

Dota is a competitive game of action and strategy, played both professionally and casually by millions of passionate fans worldwide. Players pick from a pool of over a hundred heroes, forming two teams of five players. Radiant heroes then battle their Dire counterparts to control a gorgeous fantasy landscape, waging campaigns of cunning, stealth, and outright warfare.

Download Dota 2 on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/570/

-Dota 2の攻略動画

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