


Resonant Battles Week 39 Guide F2P Min SI ,easy Harmonic inclusion [FEH]


Here is a Free to Play solution for this weeks Resonant Battles week 39.

This week we have the return of Tokio Mirage session, which means we basically only have one title of units, in this case Awakening units. Now normally thats great stuff because Awakening has some excellent units like Cordelia or Cherche, and 2 units that come with Wings of Mercy, one ranged and one melee, however we only have one bonus title Harmonic this week which is Harmonic Mia, which is why I had to make several changes to my solution to make it useable with 2 cavalry Harmonics. However very sadly Summer Mia is the one Harmonic that my alt account is missing so I will be unable to provide a 100% guaranteed Interval 21 solution for next week as I will probably demote. Unless of course they either release a new Harmonic from Awakening this week, or release a banner with a rerun of Mia.

I feel like a was getting off topic a bit here, the solution itself is rather nice as we got to utilize Pass in it, downside is that we need to hit a rather specific attack niche with cordelia, which is why you will need to downgrade your Cordelia a bit if you have her highly merged.

If you have any questions or problems with the solution, leave me a comment and I will answer to the best of my ability. #Balthiar #FireEmblemHeroes #ResonantBattles


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