


BERNADETTA SHOWCASE #FEHeroes #Fireemblemheroes #feh


Bernie will have her rerun along Lysithea, Annette-chan, and Ferdinand. Here is a small showcase of how strong Bernadetta can be, you could equip her with heavy blade or brazen atk/spd for increasing her damage output. I will upload the showcase of the four units so you can see how each one them performs at battle. By the way I will try to spark Lysithea.

Subscribe and leave a like for more feh showcases, leave your comments about the unit or make a suggestion in which heroe will you like to see next.

I can not upload the ost due to copyright reasons,
FE Three Houses OST - 7. Fodlan Winds (Thunder) speed up (x1.2)
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Respite and Sunlight speed up (x1.5)


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