


[FEH] Raphael True Solo - Jaffar and Nino Infernal BHB


Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, but the difficulty (and the sanity toll) of this season of abyssal maps have not. Even Aegir Emblem was a rough enough to take a few sessions to clear this time, but I'll have a new Aegir Emblem for you early next week and hopefully an abyssal or two after that. No promises there though, this set features a lot of wide open maps with high Res bosses, and while a few are definitely possible, I'm not particularly motivated to crush them out back to back in one season.

Anyway, this map...nothing too special, and honestly, I'm alright with that for once, after Brigand Boss's bats slapped me every which way a couple weeks ago. Jaffar's chip damage would be quite intimidating if anyone were able to follow-up on it properly, but vantage turns that chip damage into an instakill button.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spiritbu_feh
Clear progress, FEH news, and a side of light memes.

Raphael 40+10 | +10 DF | +Atk
⚔️ Plegian Bow+ (+Def)
🔥 Aether
A: Close Foil
B: Vantage 3
C: Atk Smoke 3
S: Atk/Res Solo 3

#FireEmblemHeroes #TrueSolo #PlegianRaphael


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