


I Summoned on Every Halloween Banner (FEH & DL Summoning)


Unfortunately, this video feels rushed, especially when I explained the rules. So let me go into depth right here. Each hero has their own summoning session (Hector has his on the left, Mia on the middle, and Mym on the right). For this video, treat them as summoners. Their one goal for their session is to get the desired hero, which is themselves. Hector would be pulling for Hector, Mia will be pulling for Mia, and so on. Think of it as 3 summoners going head-to-head in a summoning battle (except I'm the one doing the summoning). Whoever pulls the desired hero first will be the winner and the rest would keep summoning until 2nd and 3rd places are filled up. This video idea is still a WIP, but it's a start at least.

TL;DR: Which summoning session is the fastest session: Hector, Mia, or Mym?

Did I forget to mention that I like Halloween? No... Well you do now! lol

Music Used:

Persona 5 - Aria of the Soul
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T19Gl1YUNWE

Tetris 99 - Defense Battle 1
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Yl0-NkHak

Tetris 99 - Defense Battle 2
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-o6ZXO4z8

Kirby's Dream Land - Victory Dance
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV9OWajjTA8

Death Road to Canada - City of Lost Hope
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnyYEq8e5E4


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