


[FEH] Aether Raids #51 Day 3: VS Junkyard (Tier 23)


It's Ike week. It's chill week. Let's roll.

- 0 offense lost (0 total)
- 0 defense lost (0 total)
- 0 Aether missed (4 missable)
- 0 ladders used (4 left)
- 3 fights down

Today's mistakes:
- Not recognizing that that failed Hector defensive fight was probably the result of a misclick. F

Final thoughts:
- Perfect day!
- Stop making me fight Infantry Pulse ;_;
- Junkyard setups ruin synergy please don't do this!!

How was your day?

Missed an episode? Check out my Aether Raids playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeV837YxxLD3-Rx_5l1f-63Q

Other videos:

Want to see a video of Ike VS The World (Mock Battles) of everyone in tier 21 on my friends list?
Part 1:https://youtu.be/fX5Jqj_jMt8
Part 2: https://youtu.be/2GJj-0J1lmI

Choose Your Legends 3 Showcase Fights:

Failed Ike, Lucina, Hector Summoning:

Legendary Leif Abyssal Clear:

Alm Vs Arena:

Latest Arena Assault:

#AetherRaids #FireEmblemHeroes #FEH


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