


[FEH] Arena #155: Super Celica (Tier 20.5)


Celica's ready to go! Let's do it! Welcome to the new Arena, where the cheerleading meta is dead. Long live the cheerleading meta!

Cheerleaders (hey they're still good at their old job): +10 Soren, +10 Marth, +10 Aversa

I'm in what is called "tier 20.5"; which means I bounce between 20 and 21. Here are my stories. I post these every month or so to chronicle how the mode is going.

- Fights 1-5: Celica beats the crap out of everyone.

- 0 Bonus KO missed (hard to do now)
- Score: 3760 - Yeah, not good enough.
- Edit: I ended up putting Reposition on Aversa and that somehow unlocked scores up to 746. Second try yielded 3778 which looks like it'll hold. Alfonse inflation...

How you can support me:
- Check out my website here for direct donations and other products and services: https://www.ndolger.com/youtube-begging-page/

Other videos:

Watch my entire Aether Raids playlist here:

Summoning Session Playlist:

Abyssal and Grand Hero Clears:

Arena / Arena Assault:

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