


[FEH] Aether Raids #70-7: Stupidity


Welcome to Aether Raids! Subscribe to see daily AR fights and be a part of the action with my mock battle video series.

Much like Covid-19 everything appeared fine, and then one little mistake led to a bigger mistake which led to a panic. And then when it was done... oh "this is fine". Let's hope it turns out like that in real life (not the this is fine meme!).

Mock Battles:
- Jay O Chrom (blind), Jezroth (blind)

Mock Battle Queue:
- Astra/Anima:Teono, Keyl, Chebria (blind), White Raven (planned), CMA (blind), Jeep (planned), Carstrick, AR Too Hard (planned), Watamote, Kuraginn (blind), Deus, Erowax (blind)

- Light/Dark queue: Zed (planned), Matthew, Jio (planned), Mb, Aiboute (planned), Mitso (planned), Kimo (planned), Meltrox, Icelerate, Jan D, OMM, Relven (planned), Jojo, Raycom (blind), thank u, Kenny (planned)

How to have your defense featured:
- If you want to be a part of my daily video series and be featured in a mock battle, just let me know! Leave your in game name in a comment and send me a request below and I'll schedule you.
- Tell me which season (Light/Dark) or (Astra/Anima) and style (clear attempt with feedback / blind - no practice).
- If you don't see your name in the list above, send me a comment!
- My code: 4851570390
- Note: If you don't leave me a comment but send me a request you won't be scheduled and your request will be deleted!
- I'm going to try to cap it at 2 a day.
- The list above is in no particular order. But I give priority to those I've never fought / been awhile.
- My ask: If I do schedule you... consider *subscribing*? Please? No? Are you sure? It's free. ... ... OK... I'll still fight you. You'll just make me sad. That's just something you'll have to live with the rest of your life! If you do though, hey...! Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it.

Applications for Mock Battle season:

- 40 offense lost (40 total)
- 0 defense lost (160 total)
- 1 Aether missed (0 remain)
- 1 ladders used (2 left)
- 8 fights down

Today's mistakes:
- Where to begin? I guess I taunted Corona virus at the outset and then it infected my critical thinking skills.
- Problem 1: I left Nils exposed for little reason (this is a theme). Double Azura dance. Dead Nils. Ladder #2 for the week.
- Problem 2: I didn't even try to get the last Aether in the second fight... because...I can't math? Doing that forced a 50 fight. Dumb.
- Problem 3: Easy fight. Just don't put Nils in danger... OH LAWD WHAT HAVE I DONE! I ...I JUST REALLY WANTED THE DEBUFF OK!! Dumber.
- Problem 4: From there I convinced myself OUT of using a ladder using faulty logic. Guys I DONT KNOW. I have ladders...I get the Aether back!! What's wrong with me!? It's like I'm reliving last week and thought I was out or something?! But I said I wasn't...I everyone realized my mistake later in the video.
- Problem 5: Then I made ANOTHER mistake because I didn't see the Duma with boots. ...
- I'm sure there were more.. this was a BAD day... and mostly unforced errors. To get hit with a wrap around Azura not once... but twice... call it .. I'm done.

Final thoughts:
- But... it's fine? I mean I wasn't getting top 1k anyway (I wasn't)... so... what? Tier 27? WHOOPIE ONE FLOWER.
- Today's morale: Even if you do dumb stuff, because you did smart stuff earlier (day 1-6), you'll be OK. It's OK to have a bad day... just umm try to learn?
- Admittedly though... if you want excuses... I'm stressed, tired, and was rushed... it's a theme on these day 7s. Not sure what the answer is...
- Sorry for no mock fights for the third week in a row...I need to make it up to you guys.
- Teono what's your in game name right now lol?!

How was your day? Week?

How you can support me:
- Check out my website here for direct donations and other products and services: https://www.ndolger.com/youtube-begging-page/

Other videos:

Missed an episode? Watch my entire Aether Raids playlist here:

Summoning Session Playlist:

Abyssal and Grand Hero Clears:

Arena / Arena Assault:

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