


[FEH] Aether Raids #73-4: VS Bramimond


Welcome to Fire Emblem Heroes. This is Aether Raids! Subscribe to see daily AR fights and be a part of the action with my mock battle video series.

Don't care about Abyssal Bramimond? Skip ahead to 7:00.

Mock Battles:
- Raycom (blind), thank u (blind)

Mock Battle Queue:
- Astra/Anima: Keyl, Jeep, Carstrick, AR Too Hard (planned), Watamote, Deus, Tray / Sub2Ndolger (planned), RZL, Kenny, Mask

- Light/Dark queue: Raycom (blind), thank u (blind), Kenny (planned), Matt93, Jezroth (planned), Mitso, Kuraginn, Kino Sei (this week), Mask, quiqz

How to have your defense featured:
- If you want to be a part of my daily video series and be featured in a mock battle, just let me know! Leave your in game name in a comment and send me a request below and I'll schedule you.
- Tell me which season (Light/Dark) or (Astra/Anima) and style (clear attempt with feedback / blind - no practice).
- If you don't see your name in the list above, send me a comment!
- My code: 4851570390
- Note: If you don't leave me a comment but send me a request you won't be scheduled and your request will be deleted!
- I'm going to try to cap it at 2 a day.
- The list above is in no particular order. But I give priority to those I've never fought / been awhile.
- My ask: If I do schedule you... consider *subscribing*? Please? No? Are you sure? It's free. ... ... OK... I'll still fight you. You'll just make me sad. That's just something you'll have to live with the rest of your life! If you do though, hey...! Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it.
- BONUS QUESTION: Tell me how to pronounce your name!
- Final note: If you're on my friends list just understand I only have 100 spots so don't take it personally if I have to drop you to make room for new players. You're always free to resend a request at anytime!

Applications for Mock Battle season:

Today's mistakes:
- Not beating TYN's team!

Final thoughts:
- Bramimond.... doesn't scare me? Man I was terrified of him but he doesn't match up well against Ike. Ike's speed is in perfect range... AND I know penalties too... But he seems "OK". 1-0 against Bram so far (I know this one was uhh... not too hard).
- Free Alm!!

How was your day?

How you can support me:
- Check out my website here for direct donations and other products and services: https://www.ndolger.com/youtube-begging-page/

Other videos:

Missed an episode? Watch my entire Aether Raids playlist here:

1000 Subscribers Bonus Video - My Gaming Cave: https://youtu.be/wKwE1Ulp1rk

Summoning Session Playlist:

Abyssal and Grand Hero Clears:

Arena / Arena Assault:

#AetherRaids #FireEmblemHeroes #FEH


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