


[FEH] Aether Raids #117-4: Breakers Everywhere!


Welcome to Fire Emblem Heroes. This is Aether Raids! Subscribe to see (mostly) daily AR fights and be a part of the action with my mock battle video series!

Today's video preview:
- Ticket time! Let's gamble for free-ish (the new banner does have good odds as only two colors).
- Ike sees your breakers and says "nyah nyah you can't hit me".

How To Have Your Defense featured:

- If you want to be a part of my daily video series and be featured in a mock battle, just let me know!

- Leave your in game name in a comment on this video.
- Tell me which season (Light/Dark) or (Astra/Anima) and style (clear attempt with feedback / blind - no practice).
- Add me as a FEH friend: 4851570390
- Note: If you don't see your name in the list above after telling me, send me a comment!
- Note: If you don't leave me a comment but send me a request you won't be scheduled and your request will be deleted!
- Note: I aim to fight once a day (no day 7 fights). That's a good basis to see if you'll make the week's cut. If you have a special "this week only" request I'll try to accommodate.
- Note: All newcomers get priority and go to the front of the line.
- Note: Only one request (season) at a time.
- Note: Please wait a week to ask for another attempt (unless my backlog is empty).
- REQUEST: My ask: If I do schedule you... consider *subscribing*? Please? No? Are you sure? It's free. ... ... OK... I'll still fight you. You'll just make me sad. That's just something you'll have to live with the rest of your life! If you do though, hey...! Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it.
- BONUS QUESTION: Tell me how to pronounce your name!
- Final note: If you're on my friends list just understand I only have 100 spots so don't take it personally if I have to drop you to make room for new players. You're always free to resend a request at anytime!

Applications for Mock Battle season:
- LIGHT: New people prioritized
- ASTRA: New people prioritized

Today's mistakes:
- Nothing comes to mind. Umm maybe summoning so much on the new banner? Jeez though that hero fest was awful.

Final thoughts:
- I love breaking through something designed to stop me.
- Offense: -40 (-8 for non ideal matchup), Defense: -120. 1 ladder used.

How was your day?

Other videos:

Missed an episode? Watch my entire Aether Raids playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeV837YxxLD3-Rx_5l1f-63Q 1000

Subscribers Bonus Video
- My Gaming Cave: https://youtu.be/wKwE1Ulp1rk

Summoning Session Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeXZrCAR9h7MW23fTLC1AO3F

Abyssal and Grand Hero Clears: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeVCJMdyhWPBwnxrLPBGykkB

Arena / Arena Assault: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeUG0lZU_YN652QK9A_BAM6u

Interact with me elsewhere:
- https://www.youtube.com/c/Ndolger/about

#AetherRaids #FireEmblemHeroes #FEH #VaultofHeaven


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