


[FEH] Ninian & Hawkeye Infernal BHB vs Marisa Vanilla True Solo (Read Desc. if Confused)


Alright, so I remember being quite proud of this clear when I first figured it out. If you didn't know, a Vanilla clear means no skill inheritance was necessary to clear the map. I'm fairly sure it's been done before, but calling it a Vanilla True Solo may just be something I made up.
Having a Seal slot skill would be allowed because no skill inheritance is needed, and refining the weapon is fine as long as it's the default weapon. Just to clarify. Marisa's base kit, it veerrrryyy old at this point, not to mention that Infantry Pulse doesn't help at all, so yeah, I was quite proud of it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the clear!

#MarisaFEH #TrueSolo #FireEmblemHeroes


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