


HUGE FEH Update! 💥 Special Heroes REFINES, Tier 39 Aether Raids, Codes & More! 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


February was the FEH Anniversary and we got a ton but who would've thought going into March we'll have another HUGE FEH Update!?

The biggest of all news is that Special Heroes Refines are now a thing starting with Halloween Nowi! Tier 39 Aether Raids will now be a things and FEH Codes have been expanded with a new path!

This means we'll have a new Divine Codes Path with more Combat Manuals to redeem!

Fire Emblem Heroes Friends List has also been expanded from 100 to 150 at long last as well as much much more!

Weapon Refines:
Ayra's Blade (Arya: Astra's Wielder)
Grimoire (Halloween Nowi: Eternal Witch)
Naglfar (Lyon: Shadow Prince)
Ivaldi (L'Arachel: Princess of Light)
Mjolnir (Ishtar: Thunder Goddess)

#FehUpdate #WeaponRefines #FireEmblemHeroes
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★Fire Emblem Heroes★
I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews, and more! Check them out below! 😀

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