


Three Houses Students Looking Good! 😊 - Seeds of Fodlan Banner | FEH Art 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


Seeds of Fodlan Banner brought us more Fire Emblem: Three Houses students! While they all have the Garreg Mach Monastery uniforms, they all look great with their little different details!

Also, Solon.

And so we go over the new FEH Art of the newest Hero Banner!

New Heroes:
Ingrid: Galatea’s Heir
Dedue: Dimitri’s Vassal
Linhardt: Hevring’s Heir
Marianne: Adopted Daughter
Solon: Church Shadow

#SeedsOfFodlan #FireEmblemHeroesArt #FEHArt
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★Admiring Art★
As a big fan of Fire Emblem Heroes, I like to look at and admire the art of the heroes! Sometimes we have guests as we check out the newest heroes of FEH. :]

Watch as we go over every inch of heroes and discern far too much from every detail!

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