


[FEH] Resplendent Tana True Solo - GHB Sonia: Inhuman Beauty (Infernal)


An opportunity for Tana to use Lofty Blossoms in a true solo for the first time! Player phase strategy seemed optimal due to the terrain really helping split up the ranged enemies. For one the enemies started out as two groups divided by a river, and then the enemies sort of just funneled in one-by-one for Tana to get the jump on first.

Kind of a shame that the SPD portion of Lofty Blossoms didn't matter, even though it did theoretically allow Tana to double the Blue Thief. It's just that Tana needed all those ATK boosts to get the ORKO on Sonia, which happened to be enough ATK to just flat one-shot the Blue Thief, lol.

Hope you all enjoy!


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