


Resonant Battles Week 45 Guide F2P Min SI ,easy Harmonic inclusion [FEH]


Here is a Free to play solution for this weeks Resonant Battles Week 45.

This week was yet again very hard, in fact as far as unit choices go this might have been the hardest week yet.Binding Blade is great in terms of support units but there is really no one with great carry potential. Three Houses on the other hand is still pretty new and we dont have that many F2P units from it yet, so pretty much the only choice possible was Kronya. And even though this map is almost made for Kronya , seing how the very first thing you do on this map is obtain the Lightning Charm which activates her weapon, she still needs lots of support from other units which is why this week I could only fit in 1 Harmonic hero. Lucky for me I guess because it seems that this week 1 Harmonic will be enough to stay in Interval 21, especially since I only have 1 copy of Dorothea anyways so I would have dropped out of Interval 21 as well.

If you have any questions or problems with the solution, leave me a comment and I will answer to the best of my ability. #Balthiar #FireEmblemHeroes #ResonantBattles


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