


Linde & Camilla - New Summer Heroes!? ٩(♡ε♡)۶ | FEH News 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


Fire Emblem Heroes Silhouettes are out again to tease the newest Summer Banner!

From all the guesses so far it's looking like it'll be Summer Linde and Summer Camilla but will it actually be those two?

I guess we'll see so since FEH Hero Guesses don't mean much when the Datamine and Trailer drop comes so soon after release of the teaser lol

Anyways, here are my thoughts! 🙂

★Fire Emblem Heroes★ I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews and more! Check them out below! 😀

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