


FEH - Mystery & Ascended Fjorm - 135 orbs - Let's get Nifl's Champion! (& some Ferrero)


Hello everyone!
As has become tradition lately, our latest New Heroes banner features another FEH OC, and this time it is... Super Saiyan Fjorm? Thank god the banner has a spark system. But hey, let's see who will get! (aside from Fjorm. You know I'll get her, either with the Spark or not =^=)
Will the Coyote's men come home? Will Malice come and tell me to stop the expenses? Who knows?

Commissions are opened, so if you're interested in commissioning me, please check my prices here:

Music credits :
Background music : YouFulca - Remotest Library (https://wingless-seraph.net/en/material-music.html)


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