


RES QUEEN! Deirdre Best Builds, Analysis & Resplendent Uses [FEH]


#feh #fireemblem #competitive

Deirdre is the latest Resplendent Hero released by FEH Pass subscribers in Fire Emblem Heroes. She has one of the highest resistance stats in the game! The resplendent outfit only helps her be better at this role, unfortunately her being a green tanky mage is not friendly to her match-ups in the current Aether Raids and Arena meta. Her viability in Summoner Duels might be possible if Dragon tanks are common.

00:00 Intro
00:23 Deirdre Video & Thoughts
02:45 Deirdre Resplendent Art
03:15 Deirdre's Stats, Weapon & Notes
06:08 Deirdre Builds
09:26 Deirdre Sims
11:57 Final Thoughts

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