


(FEH) Aether Raids Week 186-6 V! Catria with 90+ Atk!


It’s day 6, and somehow I get a Fortress Advantage!
Ruptured Sky also has a lot of value here. In hindsight I should’ve used false start on the Tibarn with QP, but I don’t think it made a huge difference.

Also for those curious how I got over 90 Atk, 76 base, +6 from Order’s Restraint (Ashera) +6 from Bonus Doubler (Eliwood) +5 Distant Storm +1 Ally support, and +4 from the Fort advantage.
I think Chill Atk brought it down to 90, but you get the idea haha

#feh #aetherraids #fireemblemheroes

Song: Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem - Endless Battle (Heroes Remix)


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