


[FEH] Aether Raids Offense Week 189


Chaos week was a really interesting time! I had a lot of fun with it, and I’m looking forward to the next time it turns up. Teambuilding in particular was great, giving me a great excuse to use Hel on offense again… along with debut a concept team that turned out really well! This video’s also a bit shorter than usual – it’ll be a regular thing over the next couple of months while I focus on streaming Three Hopes and Xenoblade.

Hel had a couple of very fun matches this week, tanking a L!Nanna in Match 2 while starting the fight with 2 HP before mowing down a pair of maxed out Mias in Match 3. Matches 1 and 4 went to the Slaydelgard Squad, featuring some hilarious (and/or disgusting) movement shenanigans.

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Team Breakdown: (0:00)
Match 1: (2:10)
Match 2: (5:25)
Match 3: (9:48)
Match 4: (15:36)
Match 5: (19:26)
Closing: (23:02)

All footage recorded from the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game. All music recorded from the Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes game. Tracks listed below.

Intro – Boots on the Ground
Match 1 – Fodlan Winds (Inferno)
Match 2 – Tempest of Seasons (Inferno)
Match 3 – The Long Road (Inferno)
Match 4 – Chasing Daybreak (Inferno)
Match 5 – I Swear By My Sword
Outro – Traversing the Battlefield


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