


FEH - Catching up with Abyssal battles. Powercreep edition.


1 team of broken units vs Ninian, Byleth, Mila, Xander Abyssal Battles
Pretty sure they can deal with any PvE map for a good while.
And after that the disonance with the Three Heroes Quests.

I no longer play FEH as much before. Gave up on Arena entirely and not interested in Raids or Duels. It's also been ages since I built any unit since the powercreep is so huge right now and units like these keep releasing I don't see why I should invest again unless its about getting +10 a limited unit. Pretty sure that after BIke. SFreyja will be my second one unless Amelia, Laegjarn and Eldigan keep spooking me off banner.


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